Foundations of Worship Leading and Team Building 1
DVD Set (3 DVDs)
"Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name." We are all called to worship God! Come join us for intensive, practical training for every kind of worshiper. Whether you are on a worship team or not, this course will change your life through impartation, insight and revelation of who you are in Christ.
Topics include:
Requirements Of Biblical values
Relationships, Team, pastor, Congregation
Worship Dynamics, Small Group Worship Leading
Local Church Worship Leading
Arranging Concepts, Styles, Dynamics, Atmospheres
Roles of Instruments and Singers
Team Development
Spirit Led Worship
Music Theory
Foundations of Worship Leading and Team Building 2
DVD Set (5 DVDs)
The Art of Songwriting
DVD Set (5 DVDs)
"Worship and The Prophetic"
DVD Set (5 DVDs)
"The Power of Worship: Healing and Glory"
DVD Set (5 DVDs)